31. 12. 2003 - USA

Message for the 2004 New Year

By Reverend Heber C. Jentzsch,President Church of Scientology International

Despite  the ravages of war, terrorism and natural disasters that marked  2003,  there is a bright future in 2004 — not because the challenges  will be less, but  because every one of us has the power and ability  to shape that future. It can  be done by restoring the role of religion as a civilizing force.

In that spirit Churches of  Scientology train thousands of people each year as  Volunteer Ministers.  These skilled volunteers operate on the motto, expressed by  our  Founder, L. Ron Hubbard: “Something  CAN be  done about it.”

They bring to the fore a spiritual  technology that resolves the underlying  causes of trauma, of failed  parenting, of drug addiction and crime.
These volunteers have  provided hundreds of thousands of hours assisting  rescue workers,  fire fighters and emergency personnel and the victims of  disasters,  such as in the recent fires in Southern California.

They have  reached tens of millions with the message “Say No to Drugs, Say  Yes  to Life.”
Volunteer Ministers work in their communities  spanning every continent. They  help people solve their personal  problems and improve conditions around them  through the application  of basic principles by L. Ron Hubbard.

The civilizing  influence of religion can make it possible to build more  schools  than prisons, release more prisoners as contributing members of  society  than those arrested, and graduate more students able to  read and learn than  those forced into lives of functional illiteracy.  Something can be done about  resolving conflicts of spousal abuse,  economics, ethnicity and even the  conflicts of nations. Religion  is staying the course for a more viable future.

We urge all  people of goodwill to take part in making a better world and in  making the help we can provide available to all.

On behalf  of the ministers and staff of the Church of Scientology  International,  we wish each and every person a happy and prosperous new year.

Tisková kancelář Scientologické církve pro ČR a SR, c/o Dianetické centrum Praha, Jindřišská 7, 110 00 Praha 1,
Tel.: (+420) 221 111 131-2, fax: (+420) 224 222 545
E-mail: scientologie@scientologie.cz, www: http://www.scientologie.cz/tisk